2025 10th Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering(ACPEE 2025)

Welcome to the official website of 2025 10th Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ACPEE 2025). ACPEE 2025 will be hosted in Beijing, China from April 15 to 19, 2025, which is organized by Tsinghua University, technically sponsored by IEEE PES, Auckland University of Technology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Sichuan University, Tianjin University and Hong Kong Society of Mechanical Engineers(HKSME), supported by Chongqing University, Shanghai Electric Power University, IEEE PES Chongqing Chapter, IEEE IAS Shanghai Chapter, Proceedings of the CSEE, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems(CSEE JPES), Automation of Electric Power Systems, Power System Protection and Control, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Global Energy Interconnection, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy(MPCE), Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (PCMP), Power System Technology, High Voltage Engineering, High Voltage, Electric Power Information and Communication Technology, Global Energy Interconnection, Electric Power Automation Equipment, media supported by Journals Center of China Electric Power Research Institute, Electric Machines and Control, Electric Machines & Control Application, Journal of Electric Power Construction (EPC), Energy Conversion and Economics, Southern Power Grid Technology, Nanfang Nengyuan Jianshe, Neimenggu Dianli Jianshe, Power Generation Technology and Electronics.The theme of ACPEE 2025 is "Innovation and Advanced Technologies of Power Systems in the Low-Carbon Era".

The ACPEE has been held for 9 years since 2016 after 9 successful conferences in Chongqing, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Kitakyushu, Shanghai and Bangkok and online, attracting a large number of researchers, scholars and students from all over the world. ACPEE 2025 conference will provide a wonderful forum for you to update your knowledge base and explore the innovations in Power and Electrical Engineering, which will also strive to offer you plenty of networking opportunities to meet and interact with the leading scientists, engineers and researchers, friends and colleagues as well as sponsors and exhibitors.We warmly welcome prospective authors to submit your research papers to ACPEE 2025, and share your latest research results and valuable experiences with other top-scientists, engineers and scholars from all over the world.


2025年第十届电力与电气工程亚洲会议(ACPEE 2025)将于2025年4月15日至19日在中国北京召开。会议是由清华大学主办, IEEE PES、奥克兰理工大学、上海交通大学、四川大学、天津大学和香港机械工程师学会协办,重庆大学、上海电力大学、IEEE PES重庆分会、IEEE IAS上海分会、《中国电机工程学报》、CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems(CSEE JPES) 、《电力系统自动化》《电力系统保护与控制》《上海交通大学学报》《全球能源互联网》、Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy、Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems、 《电网技术》、《高电压技术》、High Voltage 、《电力信息与通信技术》、Global Energy Interconnection、《电力自动化设备》支持, 中国电科院期刊中心、《电机与控制学报》《电机与控制应用》《电力建设》、 Energy Conversion and Economics、《南方电网技术》《南方能源建设》《内蒙古电力技术》《发电技术》Electronics提供媒体支持。会议旨在团结国内外电气与能源领域广大专家学者,围绕电气与能源领域前沿技术、学术成果进行学术交流,为所有电力电气领域的研究人员与学者提供一个交流大平台和最前沿的科技资讯。我们诚邀您莅临会议,共同打造电力电气学领域的国际盛会,一起感受电力电气学改变世界。 会议主题“低碳时代电力系统的创新和先进技术”。

Publication & Indexing


1) All the accepted and presented papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements. The publisher will submit articles to Engineering Village, Scopus, Web of Science and other databases for review and indexing after publication.

在符合IEEE Xplore的范围和质量要求的情况下,所有接收且做报告的论文将被提交到IEEE Xplore审核和收录。出版后由出版社提交 Engineering Village, Scopus, Web of Science等机构审核和检索。

2) Selected papers on manufacturing topics can be recommended to publish in international journals.


* ACPEE Publication Histories (More Info.)

Peer Review Policy

All submissions to the ACPEE will be sent to 2-3 independent reviewers for peer review. Reviewers evaluate submissions based on the requirements of the conference proceedings, predefined criteria, and quality, completeness, originality and grammar of the research presented. The notification of acceptance or reject will be sent to authors when the peer review is done.

Manuscript requirements:

1. Manuscripts must be written in English;
2. The topics of paper should be relevant to conference topics;
3. Plagiarism and Duplicate submission are prohibited;
4. Innovation and scientific value is a must.

Paper Template

The paper should be formatted according to the template:

Abstract Template for Presentation Only

Full paper Template (Microsoft Word)

Full paper Template (LaTeX)

* Abstract Submission (Only for presenting research at conference, without publishing any paper): You only need to submit the title and abstract of your speech.
* Full Paper Submission (Publishing paper in the conference proceeding as well as presenting it at conference): You need to submit full paper for review.


Authors can submit manuscripts through CMT electronic submission system. Please click following link:

Electronical Submission System

First-time users should register a account firstly, then upload your paper to the system. Previous users can log in the CMT system directly.

If your paper need to be updated after you receive the submission confirmation, please send the updated paper to conference email acpee@vip.163.com directly, please do not update in Electronic Submission System.

Important Dates

The First Round

Full Paper Submission Deadline:
Oct. 10, 2024

Notification of Acceptance:
Nov. 10, 2024

Registration Deadline:
Dec. 10, 2024

The Second Round

Full Paper Submission Deadline:
Dec. 15, 2024

Notification of Acceptance:
Jan. 15, 2025

Registration Deadline:
Feb. 15, 2025

Special Sessions

Special Session I-Real-Time Simulation and Digital Twin Technologies of Renewable Energy Power System(新能源电力系统实时仿真与数字孪生技术)
Chair: Keyou Wang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Vice Chair: Jin Xu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Special Session II-Key technologies for protection and control of medium-voltage DC power distribution systems(中压直流配电系统保护与控制关键技术)
Chair: Lei Chen, Wuhan University, China
Vice Chair: Hui Hou, Wuhan University of Technology, China

Special Session III-Intelligent Operations of Distributed Energy Resources(分布式能源的智能运行)
Chair: Wei Lin, University of Hong Kong, HKSAR, China
Vice Chair: Zhifang Yang, Chongqing University, China



Special Session IV-Smart Sensing and Advanced Data Analytics for the New-type Power System(新型电力系统智能传感与高级数据分析)
Chair: Bo Liu, Tianjin University, China
Vice Chair: Peng Lu, China Agricultural University, China
Vice Chair: Chunyi Huang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Vice Chair: Kangping Li, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Vice Chair: Fangyuan Si, Beijing Jiaotong University, China

Special Session V-Flexibility modelling, planning and operation of large-scale renewable energy aggregated power systems(大型可再生能源聚合电力系统的灵活性建模、规划和运行)
Chair: Jia Liu, Hangzhou Dianzi University, China
Chair: Yikui Liu, Sichuan University, China

Call for Participants


The conference is now accepting oral presentation and poster presentation. If you are interested in presenting your research on the conference, without publishing your paper in the proceeding, please submit the abstract to us.


If you are interested in attending the conference to participate in this gathering in the field of Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering, you are welcome to join us and share your ideas! You need to download the registration form and fill in it, then send the filled form to conference.

Registration Now


ACPEE 2025 aims at attracting a great number of power and electrical engineering research and applications people from both the academic and industrial communities. We believe that it is a very good chance for our sponsors to show their R&D capacities and the recent research achievements to potential customers on this effective platform.

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